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What is Cryo-Lipolysis Treatment?

Cryo-lipolysis, commonly known as “fat freezing,” is a non-invasive body contouring procedure that targets and reduces stubborn pockets of fat. This innovative treatment uses controlled cooling technology to freeze fat cells, causing them to crystallize and break down without damaging surrounding tissue. Over time, the body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells, resulting in a slimmer and more contoured appearance.

How is Cryo-Lipolysis Treatment Performed at Nuleaf Clinic

At Nuleaf, cryo-lipolysis treatment begins with a consultation to assess the patient’s aesthetic goals and areas of concern. During the procedure, a specialized applicator is placed on the targeted area, delivering controlled cooling to the underlying fat cells. Patients may experience a sensation of coldness and mild pressure during the treatment, but discomfort is typically minimal. The procedure is non-invasive and requires no downtime, allowing patients to resume their daily activities immediately afterward.

Benefits of Cryo-Lipolysis Treatment

– Non-invasive: Does not require surgery, incisions, or anesthesia, minimizing risks and downtime.

– Targeted fat reduction: Selectively targets and reduces fat cells in specific areas, such as the abdomen, flanks, thighs, and arms.

– Natural-looking results: Gradual reduction of fat cells over time for a smoother and more contoured body shape.

How long does cryo-lipolysis treatment take to see results?

Results from cryo-lipolysis treatment are typically noticeable within a few weeks to months as the body naturally eliminates the treated fat cells. Full results are usually seen within two to three months after the procedure.

Is cryo-lipolysis treatment painful?

Patients may experience temporary discomfort during the initial minutes of the procedure as the targeted area becomes numb from the cold. However, the sensation usually subsides as the treatment progresses, and patients can relax or engage in activities such as reading or using electronic devices during the session.

How many cryo-lipolysis sessions are needed for optimal results?

The number of cryo-lipolysis sessions required depends on factors such as the patient’s body composition, treatment goals, and the size of the targeted area. While some patients may achieve their desired results with a single session, others may benefit from multiple sessions spaced several weeks apart for enhanced fat reduction.

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